Originally aired on October 25th, 2022
Next week should be exciting for a couple of reasons: First, I will be speaking at the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association’s Show in Orlando, Florida. For those of you that will be there, make sure you come see my session on November 3rd where I will explore how web3 is changing the landscape of restaurants. Don’t know what #web3 is? Want to learn more about NFTs, cryptocurrency and actually see the metaverse in action? Most importantly, do you want to know how this is impacting the hospitality industry from the large chains down to the “mom and pops?” This is the session you DON’T want to miss!
Now, for those of you not attending, that probably means, if you are an operator, you will be at the MURTEC Executive Summit in Napa Valley. Why, oh why, did these two events have to happen on the same exact days? I have been waiting to go to Napa for that show for a couple of years now, ever since it was first announced during COVID. Oh well, you will all have a great time without me, I am sure. Just make sure you don’t have too much fun… you will make me even more jealous!
The show today was recorded live at the Menches Bros. NFT minting party in Green, Ohio. Yep, you heard me right. This is the mom and pop that I have been talking about quite a bit lately and you have seen in the industry news channels. If you want to hear my original podcast about this initiative, go back and listen to Episode 58 where I have Dani Kimble, CMO for Menches Bros. on the show. During that discussion, she talked about her Uncle John.
Well, I was fortunate enough to sit down with John Menches, CEO of Menches Bros. to go into more depth about this project and why they felt that this little hamburger joint was the perfect concept for a NFT project. During this conversation, I learned a whole lot more about John, the family and other interesting facts other than being the originator and creator of the hamburger back in 1885.
How To Contact Me
- Website: https://SkipKimpel.com (all archived shows and show notes will be posted here)
- Website: https://ConStrata.io
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/skipkimpel
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- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@skipkimpel
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skipkimpel
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/constrata-consulting
- You can also hear all these new episodes on the ConStrata website at ConStrata.io
- Email me at skip.kimpel@constrata.io
Next Week’s Show
Next week will kind of be a continuation of today’s episode except I will be talking with the company out of New York behind this NFT project, Metaversal. We will talk with the CEO, Yosi Hasson, the creative director, Sam Brukhman and the lead project manager for this creative endeavor, Erin Thompson. They are the secret sauce (pun intended) behind the execution of this project, and it was exciting to see the large team they brought to help support Dani Kimble and Menches Bros pull this off.