Kiosk Podcast Episode Twelve Show Notes
Kiosk Podcast Episode Twelve, August 2nd, 2006
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New Kiosk Forum
The Kiosk Will See You Now
Patients of Prince William Hospital in Manassas soon will be able to swipe identification cards through a machine, sign consent forms and submit co-payments — all without visiting front-desk workers and dealing with a clipboard of papers. _ MediKiosks for self-service check-in will be available starting in September. Sales of the machines have grown 200 percent every year since manufacturer Galvanon put them on the market in 2003, said Raj Toleti, president of the Maitland, Fla., NCR subsidiary. _ The kiosks reduce registration wait time and human error and save money on paper documents and staff time, hospital administrators say.
Restaurants upping kiosk ante
While retail, hospitality and travel have been the primary beneficiaries of self-service (excepting, of course, the customers themselves), restaurants have been slow to react. The quick-serve segment has made baby steps with touchscreen ordering; chains like Subway and Arby’s are experimenting with the technology, while others like McDonald’s have publicly stated their indifference, at least for the time being.
In the fast-casual segment, adoption of self-service has been even slower.
“We track our competitors pretty closely, and I’m not aware of anyone doing (self-service ordering) right now,” said Lindsey Boyd, marketing specialist for Texas-based Café Express, which operates 19 soup-and-sandwich locations.
“The restaurant industry in general is slow to adopt new technologies,” said Clyde Dishman, director of hospitality industry marketing for NCR’s Retail Solutions division. “Fast-casual and quick-service industries are no different.”
22Moo developing iTunes Kiosk
Australian hardware and software developer 22Moo today began development on an iTunes Kiosk called the “PodBuffet.” The prototype will be powered by an Intel-based Mac mini running a 15-inch TFT touch screen with virtual keyboard software, a wireless internet connection, and a customized application for timed access to iTunes. The “PodBuffet” iTunes Kiosk will also feature multiple dock connectors, as well as female USB and FireWire ports to accommodate older iPods and Shuffle owners. 22Moo hopes to allow iPod owners around the world to download videos and music to their portable devices in locations such as airports, train stations, hotels, and shopping centers.
Retail Kiosk Solutions: Fuddruckers Gets Cooking With IBM Kiosks In The Kitchen
“World Greatest Hamburgers” maker Fuddruckers will improve efficiency of meal preparation and food order delivery with IBM technology, becoming one of the first known restaurant chains to use interactive kiosks in its kitchens.
With a unique use of technology, Fuddruckers’ proprietary recipes and food preparation methods are distributed to 125 secure, ultra-compact IBM Anyplace Kiosks in all of its corporate-owned restaurants’ kitchens from the company’s headquarters in Austin, Texas. This replaces paper-based procedure and recipe manuals and allows the restaurant chain to provide accurate and up-to-date food preparation instructions and recipes quickly and easily at a single source.
Fuddruckers will provide its general managers and cooks with easy access to recipes, via touch screen panels and Recipeviewer software from Custom Business Solutions, Inc., to better ensure consistent preparation methods across all locations, reduce training time and deliver guests’ orders more efficiently.
The restaurant chain also is using 125 new IBM SurePOS 500 systems to record customer orders quickly and accurately. The new systems are small and robust enough to run the entire POSitouch suite that includes software applications for point of sale, enterprise reporting, employee scheduling, inventory, food costing and forecasting.
Pro-Tech Solutions announced the implementation of its Pro-Tech drive-thru kiosk at a Subway restaurant in Mentor, Ohio. The kiosk stands almost 5-feet tall, but is built upon a telescoping pedestal that allows the unit to move up or down to accommodate vehicle size.
The kiosk features an auto-dimming circuit and ambient-light sensors, so the 15-inch touchscreen can adjust to time of day or weather conditions automatically.
Peter Kaszycki, president of Pro-Tech, said the touchscreen is mounted behind a half-inch of safety glass.
“The elements are mounted behind the glass and projected through the screen,” he said, making the kiosk resistant not only to the elements but also vandalism.
Since 65 percent of all QSR sales take place at the drive-thru, products like the Pro-Tech kiosk will be of interest even to chains like Subway, which traditionally have not offered drive-thru.
“A Subway owner I know tried to open a drive-thru using the standard headset method,” said Nick D’Angelo, owner of the Ohio Subway. “It was a disaster. The Subway menu is unique and there’s too much guesswork involved. Pro-Tech’s touchscreen menu allows me to serve my customers both inside and out. It’s like having another store.”
The Self Service & Kiosk Show in San Antonio, Texas, September 28-29, 2006
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
T. Scott Gross
Author of When Customers Talk
You’ll laugh as you learn how to listen to your customers and turn what they tell you into sales!
Full PDF Brochure can be found here:
Listener Feedback:
Tucker from Utah
Inspiration for our new Kiosk Forum:
Kiosk Resource of the week:
Direct Kiosk Link:
Weekly Kiosk Experience:
The New Release DVD Kiosk (need picture)
First saw at Publix… at entranceway
Went to second Publix and had to hunt for it a little bit as it was hidden
Very sensitive card swipe in the unit.
Need to swipe your credit card to browse the DVDs…. It only verifies the expiration date I am assuming at that point.
Good DVD searching capabilities… displays DVD picture, general movie information, can search by name, new release, movie type, director, actor, etc.
Some of the graphics were poor…. Jagged edges on some of the button imagery
Cost of DVD rental is 1 day for $1.00 plus tax, of course. After 14 days, it will cost you $38.00 and will be charged to your credit card.
Once I chose a movie, the authorization of the credit card took a very long time… must have been dialing in at that point.
DVD came out of a slot in the front of the machine in a red case with the center of the DVD exposed which had a bar code label attached to it… I am assuming when I return the DVD tomorrow, it will scan it back into the machine and tell the system that it has been returned… will let you know next week how that works out.
Overall a good experience but the swiping of the credit card to browse kind of sucked. Also allowed you to walk away and have somebody else walk up to the machine and purchase a movie charged to your credit card… when I return the DVD I will check to see how long the Time Out feature is.
Time out feature was long… probably about a minute… easy kiosk to walk away from and it provides some security risks at that point
Featured Hardware:
Nexio Co., Ltd., from Korea
Featured Enclosure:
The Vantage Point Sterling
Closing Remarks
Contact Info, email, 954-840-3677, website location:
Don’t forget our other podcast, The Director Podcast
What to expect next: Signing off, this is Skip Kimpel from Magicgate Software telling you to always remember to create a kiosk with a user in mind.
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